Holy Spirit, West Bridgford

In 1847, the first mass in the parish came to life at West Bridgford, while it was a development of large houses for the lace manufacturers of Nottingham.

Holy Spirit West Bridgford, NOTTINGHAM

Early Beginnings

The first Mass in the parish since The Reformation was offered by Fr Francis Hays in the pavilion of Nottingham Castle Cricket Ground on Loughborough Road. Father Hays was then appointed priest in charge of the Mass Centre set up in the house which is now part of The Becket School.

Below is a photo of the Holy Spirit Church taken from the West Bridgford Directory of 1938. If you notice the entrance was at the front on Melton Road, there also appears to be an extra extension on the side (Which were toilets apparently!) with a bell tower. In the background are houses where the Social Centre is now.

The first stone of the church was laid by Bishop Thomas Dunn in 1929, and the church was completed by 1932.

The first Parish Priest of the Holy Spirit was Fr. Francis T. Royds. The original church on the Victoria Road site was opened in 1930.

He was succeeded by Fr Robert Woodbridge and Fr John Buckley. Fr James Monaghan was appointed Parish Priest in 1966 and engaged in an extensive building programme.

The present Social Centre was opened in 1967, St Edmund Campion Primary School early in 1974 and the present church was constructed in the May of the same year.

Fr Gregory Tobin became Parish Priest in 2001 and came to us from The Briars Residential Youth Centre in Crich, Derbyshire. Fr Christopher Thomas joined us as Assistant Priest in 2008 from St Thomas More in Leicester.

Fr. Christopher was then succeeded as Assistant Priest by Fr. Stanley Ofoegbu from Nigeria in November 2009. After ten years in the Parish, Fr. Greg left the Parish with Fr. Stanley to Glossop Parish.

Fr. Michael Brown then succeeded Fr. Tobin as Parish Priest in September 2011 with Assistant Priest Fr. John McCay.

Fr. Michael retired in August 2022 and Fr. John returned to the Cathedral.

The Holy Spirit Parish celebrated 40 years of the Consecration of the present Church in July 2014.

Our current Priests are Fr. John Martin and Fr. Liam Carpenter who arrived in the parish in September 2022.

Holy Spirit, West Bridgford

Weekend Masses
Saturday 6.30 PM
Sunday 11.00 AM

Weekday Mass
Wednesday 9.30 AM
Friday 6 PM

Confessions (Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month)
Saturday 5.30 – 6.15 PM

Holy Spirit Cricket Club      

Did you know the Parish has its own cricket team?  We play friendlies on weekday evenings/Sundays against other churches, work teams & clubs. We’ve got lots of games planned for the summer and are always looking for new players of any standard. Don’t be fooled by the Club’s name: parishioners from any of our 4 churches are most welcome, as are family & friends, including juniors aged 13+.  If you would like to know more, contact David at David.Paton@nottingham.ac.uk  0795 405 5778.

Holy Spirit Bookshop  

Confirmation and Holy Communion cards and gifts available in the shop. As well as rosaries, statues, Mass cards and cards for many occasions. Open after Saturday evening and Sunday morning Mass.   

Parish Ministry Groups

Holy Spirit, West Bridgford offers a variety of ways to learn and grow as an individual within the Church and the community. The groups listed host activities inside our Church open to all, offering everyone a place to get closer to God or support the day-to-day running of the Church.

We love to support as much as we can, if you would like to add your group to the list, please get in touch with us.

Holy Spirit Cricket Club

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PARISH CLUB Holy Spirit Cricket Club:  Did you know the Parish has its own cricket team?  We play friendlies on weekday evenings/Sundays against other churches, work teams & clubs. We’ve…

The Book Shop

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Cards – Mass, Sympathy, Get Well, Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Ordination, Birthday. Gifts – Crucifixes, Statues, Icons, Books, Rosaries, Jewellery. Books – Children’s, Prayer, Mass. Christmas – Cards including charity…


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Brownies is the second stage of the Girl Guiding movement, following on from Rainbows, and is for girls aged between seven and ten. Although many girls come to Brownies following…


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We are a group of parishioners who meet 5 or 6 times each year, to encourage giving, acting and praying in support of the work of CAFOD. The group was…
School Burundi

The Burundi Project

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The objective of the Burundi Project is to help young men and women in the village of Bukeye, Burundi, to learn skills such as building and carpentry by helping to…


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Welcome to the 9th West Bridgford (Holy Spirit) Cub Scout Pack. Our Group, supported by the Catholic parish in West Bridgford, was founded in 1943, with the first Cub meeting…


Posted on
. Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. Thanks to the dedication and support of 100,000 amazing volunteers, we are active in every part…

Holy Spirit Badminton Club

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If you are interested in joining The Holy Spirit Badminton Club, then for more information please contact: Marina Johnson  Tel: 0115 8373164                      

Holy Spirit Celtic Football Club

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Holy Spirit Celtic Sports Club (HSC) was established in 2006. HSC provides an opportunity for children to play football and enjoy football in a fun and safe environment in West…


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9th West Bridgford ( Holy Spirit) ScoutsScouting offers a huge range of activities for Boys and girls aged from 6 upwards.Here at Holy Spirit we currently have a Cub Scout…

Saint Vincent de Paul Society

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Quite a number of parishes throughout the world have an ‘SVP conference’ but for the uninitiated the following extract from our opening prayers sums up the duties of every SVP…

Live Simply Award

Live Simply Award Last weekend Emma Ryan proudly accepted the Live Simply award from Maggie Mairura, on behalf of our parish. We have all worked hard to achieve this milestone, by putting our faith into action to respond to the needs of our planet and the poorest communities in our world. We Live Simply so…
Read More Live Simply Award