Diocesan e-Magazine
The latest edition of the Diocesan e-Magazine was published last week on the Feast of Saint Hugh of Lincoln. Read and subscribe to receive it directly via email here: www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/news
The latest edition of the Diocesan e-Magazine was published last week on the Feast of Saint Hugh of Lincoln. Read and subscribe to receive it directly via email here: www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/news
Parish RCIA will start on Tuesday, 10th September, meeting in the Holy Spirit social centre hall at 7pm. If you know anyone interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic, please invite them to join us. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is open to any adults who wish to: Full details of…
If you know of anyone in hospital who would like a visit from the chaplain, please call: QMC: 0115 9249924 (ext. 83799) City: 0115 9691169 (ext.837) or email: contactachaplain@nuh.nhs.uk https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/spiritual-and-pastoral-care-wellbeing
We have been informed that there is an email in circulation supposedly sent out from Fr John Martin asking for support. Please be aware that it is a Phishing email and that you should not respond to it. The email , example given here (pastorrectorevfr@gmail.com ) is not from Fr John and please do not…
EASTER 2024 Sunday, 31 March 2024 Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Easter! Today throughout the world there resounds the message proclaimed two thousand years ago from Jerusalem: “Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has been raised!” (Mk 16:6). The Church relives the amazement of the women who went to the tomb at dawn on the first…
Last Sunday, a group of people from our parish travelled with their families, catechists and Fr John to the Cathedral to take part in the Rite of Election with Bishop Patrick . This service marks a key moment on the journey of them preparing to be baptised or received into full communion with the Church…
Marriage Week is an annual celebration offering the opportunity to support and promote marriage and family life. It is celebrated this year from 7-14 February. 7-14 February A Christian marriage is rooted in faith; that means faith in God, as the giver of life and the one who promises eternal life to those who believe…
As we approach the first anniversary as a Parish, as we reflect on this significant milestone, it fills our hearts with gratitude for the journey we have all been through together. This is just a starting point: in the coming years, we may have different kinds of challenges and changes. To prepare us in embracing the unforeseen changes, we have to understand “Who we are”…