Annual Day of Reflection

On June 8th, some members of our parish joined together on the annual day of reflection held at the Rosmini Centre near Ratcliffe on the Wreak. The leader of the day was Fr Colin Patey, a retired priest from our Diocese.

We began with a reflection about the significance of breath in scripture, and particularly Pentecost. Fr Colin led us to think about how the ministry of Jesus was like the gestation period of the Church followed by its birth into the world at Pentecost.

The group took part in Benediction before enjoying lunch together. Fr Colin led us in another reflection, when we considered how we can be missionary disciples in everyday life. The day ended with the extended form of Pentecost Vigil Mass and (another) cuppa.

A huge thank you to the Rosmini Centre for hosting the day, Fr Colin for leading us, Maureen and Bernard for organising the day, and Karen and Anna for bringing cake.

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