Is the true bread come down from heaven, which nourishes and sustains us for our journey to eternal life. While the Jews ate manna in the desert but died nonetheless, anyone who “eats this bread will live forever” (John 6:59) as Christ declares “For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink” (John 6:56).
Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist
The Sacrament of the Eucharist, which we receive at Mass, is the real physical and spiritual presence of Jesus Christ. As Catholics, we take Jesus at his word when he says ‘This is my body, which is given for you’ (Luke 22:19). Another way of putting this is that Catholics believe in the Real Presence. We believe that Jesus Christ is ‘present in a true, real, and substantial manner: his Body and his Blood, with his soul and his divinity (CCC 1413).’ When we compare the man who walked the earth some two thousand years ago with the consecrated Bread and Wine, the only difference is the outward appearance, the underlying reality is Jesus Christ our Lord.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programme
The programme, based on the I Belong book, consists of 12 sessions over 6 months, guiding children toward the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
Children must be baptised and capable of understanding the fact that they are receiving not ordinary food but the Body and Blood of Christ, and can receive the sacrament with reverence. Normally, First Holy Communion is made when the children are in Year 4 at school or above.
Applications for the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programme are now being received. If you are either a parishioner of our parish or you worship here regularly, then please complete the Registration Form.
The Closing Date for applications is Friday 8 November 2024.
Note: If an older person has not made their First Holy Communion and wishes to do so, it might, depending upon their age, be appropriate for them to join those preparing for Confirmation or reception into the Catholic Church. Please contact Ceci Li, Parish Faith Formation Coordinator, for more details.
Your Contact Point:
Parish Faith Formation Coordinator, Ceci Li (