Nottingham Deanery is hosting a series of four talks – Reflecting on the Great Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council
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- In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025 Pope Francis has asked the Church to look again at some of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Nottingham Deanery is hosting a series of talks, open to all, and presented by specialists in each Constitution:
- Father Guy Nicholls cong orat, Monday 2nd October, at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour parish hall, Bulwell NG6 9ES, speaking about Sacrosanctum Concilium, the constitution about the liturgy;
- Father Richard Ounsworth OP, Wednesday 18th October, at Sacred Heart community centre, Carlton NG4 1FP, speaking about Dei Verbum, the constitution about scripture
- Doctor Mary McCaughey, Monday 20th November, at Saint John the Evangelist parish hall, Stapleford NG9 7BT, speaking about Gaudium et Spes, the constitution about the Church in the world
- Bishop Patrick, Thursday 30th November, at Our Lady and Saint Patrick in the Meadows’ parish hall, The Meadows NG2 1JQ, speaking about Lumen Gentium, the constitution about the Church
- Each evening will begin at 7pm with a talk, followed by questions, and light refreshments, before finishing at 8.30pm. All are very welcome to come and hear more about these documents which are central to our faith.