Jubilee 2025
The 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ is fast approaching and the 2024 Year of Prayer is about to conclude. The Jubilee Year will run from the opening of the Holy Door in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, on Tuesday 24 December 2024 to the Feast of Epiphany 2026. Special Mass to mark the Jubilee of Marriages Bishop Patrick warmly invites all married…
Oppose Assisted Suicide
Let’s do everything we can to prevent this bill becoming a law which once again undermines and diminishes the value of human life. We are calling on Catholics in England and Wales to unite in prayer and compassionate action to oppose assisted suicide. In early September 2024, when parliament returned and a Bill on assisted…
International Mass, Sunday 6th October at The Becket followed by an International Lunch
International Mass to celebrate the beautiful diversity of our parish community
Parish RCIA Programme (known as the Faith Journey Group)
Parish RCIA will start on Tuesday, 10th September, meeting in the Holy Spirit social centre hall at 7pm. If you know anyone interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic, please invite them to join us. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is open to any adults who wish to: Full details of…
Urgent Parish Notice regarding Phishing email
We have been informed that there is an email in circulation supposedly sent out from Fr John Martin asking for support. Please be aware that it is a Phishing email and that you should not respond to it. The email , example given here (pastorrectorevfr@gmail.com ) is not from Fr John and please do not…
Marriage Week 2024
Marriage Week is an annual celebration offering the opportunity to support and promote marriage and family life. It is celebrated this year from 7-14 February. 7-14 February A Christian marriage is rooted in faith; that means faith in God, as the giver of life and the one who promises eternal life to those who believe…
Parish Census: Your Parish Needs YOU. Add your VOICE to the Parish!
As we approach the first anniversary as a Parish, as we reflect on this significant milestone, it fills our hearts with gratitude for the journey we have all been through together. This is just a starting point: in the coming years, we may have different kinds of challenges and changes. To prepare us in embracing the unforeseen changes, we have to understand “Who we are”…
Police Advisory Notice to Churches – WhatsApp Takeovers
Lots of churches use WhatsApp these days for communicating internally with church members or for smaller groups within the church.We have been informed by Leicestershire Police’s Cyber Crime Unit about a scam specifically targeting church groups.For more details, please refer to the full advisory note from Leicester Police.
Lepra Appeal 25th/26th January
Second Collection for World Leprosy Day on 25th/26th January World Leprosy Day (WLD) is observed annually on the last Sunday of January, falling this year on Sunday, 26th January. In 2025, Lepra is highlighting the vital work of grassroots community groups in India and Bangladesh. These groups play a crucial role in detecting leprosy cases…
Parish Christmas Quiz
Many thanks to all who donated and competed in the Parish Christmas Quiz. The answers to the quiz can be found here.
Holy Spirit Cricket Club
Thanks to all those who got involved in the cricket club this year (remember we represent all 4 Churches not just Holy Spirit). We didn’t win many matches but had lots of fun. If you would like to get involved contact David at David.Paton@nottingham.ac.uk
St Anne’s Team Meeting
The meeting took place recently. A copy of the minutes is available from the Secretary, Denise Doyle ( denisedoyle10@gmail.com)
Helping a local Foodbank and the Homeless
Our Community supports St Anne’s Foodbank, The Friary & Emmanuel House Times are difficult and the rising cost of living is impacting on everyone. Our donations of food and toiletries has also really suffered and impacted on what we can take to these charities. Please try to help with whatever you can spare – even…
We no longer collect and recycle crisp packets
The local supermarkets are now recycling the crisp packets with other soft plastic wrapping. Please take them to the supermarket. Thank you.
Jubilee 2025
The 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ is fast approaching and the 2024 Year of Prayer is about to conclude. The Jubilee Year will run from the opening of the Holy Door in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, on Tuesday 24 December 2024 to the Feast of Epiphany 2026. Special Mass to mark the Jubilee of Marriages Bishop Patrick warmly invites all married…
Pastoral Letter from Bishop Patrick McKinney
Each one of us has a duty and right to protect life from the cradle to the grave. Bishop Patrick has written a Pastoral Letter to be read out at all Masses this weekend. Kim Leadbeater, the Labour MP for Spen Valley, has announced that she will be bringing a bill on assisted suicide. Ms Leadbetter…
Urbi et Orbi Message of Pope Francis
EASTER 2024 Sunday, 31 March 2024 Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Easter! Today throughout the world there resounds the message proclaimed two thousand years ago from Jerusalem: “Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has been raised!” (Mk 16:6). The Church relives the amazement of the women who went to the tomb at dawn on the first…
Marriage Week 2024
Marriage Week is an annual celebration offering the opportunity to support and promote marriage and family life. It is celebrated this year from 7-14 February. 7-14 February A Christian marriage is rooted in faith; that means faith in God, as the giver of life and the one who promises eternal life to those who believe…